Types Of Voice Over

Voice over is a form of audio recording used in several different industries. The most common use of voice over is in television and radio commercials. As the name implies, voice over is when someone speaks over another piece of audio or video content to describe it or convey information about it.


You’ll be talking in your natural voice, but it will be recorded by a professional voice over artist. You may also be required to record multiple takes of the same line. You’ll need to make sure that the script is clear and easy-to-understand for listeners, so it’s best if you read aloud from an actual script rather than just ad libbing lines.

Audio Books Narration

Audio books are a great way to get your message across to people. If you have something to say, but don’t have the time to write a book or create a video, audio books are the perfect solution. The audio book narrator is essentially the voice of the book and their performance is what makes or breaks it. The narrator has an important role in making sure that everything flows smoothly and that your listeners enjoy their experience with your content. They need to be able to enunciate clearly and express emotion through their voice to keep audiences engaged throughout each chapter of your story.

For example: You could be reading a news article out loud while also talking about how much you hate Mondays and being around people who wear flip flops all year long (especially during winter). This would not make for an entertaining listening experience because it would come off as very awkward! However if someone were narrating this same article but had some background music playing in order for us not only hear what they were saying but also feel like we’re actually experiencing some sort of adventure ourselves then maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all :)!


E-learning is a great way to get your message across. It’s an effective way of imparting information, which is why it’s used so much in corporate training and development programs. It can also be used as an alternative to live presentations, where a person would normally have to travel around the country delivering the same presentation over and over again. In this instance, it makes sense for that person to deliver their message via e-learning instead of making multiple long journeys between different locations.

E-learning involves having a number of people sit down at home or at work with their computers and go through a course consisting of one or more modules accompanied by video footage or audio recordings which help them learn about specific topics related to the subject matter being discussed within those modules.


Promos are short commercials used to promote a product, service or event. They’re generally used as part of a larger marketing campaign. The voice over talent in promos should be able to engage listeners and keep them interested for 30 seconds or less.

  • Promo for a new TV show
  • Promo for a new video game
  • Voiceover demo reel

Medical Narration

Medical narration is used to train medical staff and doctors. This type of voice over is not only used in the medical field but also for other types of training, such as police training and airline safety courses. It’s also used for entertainment purposes, such as in video games or movie trailers.


Nonfiction is a form of narration that presents factual information or a documentary. Nonfiction narration can be recorded in a studio or on location, depending on the needs of a project.

Nonfiction voice over narrators are often used to record audio books, interviews, and corporate videos. They may also work as hosts for reality shows and documentaries.


We hope this article has given you a better understanding of what voice over is, and how it’s used in different contexts. We’ll be publishing more articles soon!