Receding Hairline Guide: How To Stop Receding Hairline

As people age, it is normal for their hairline to start moving slightly backward. This is very common in men, and most start experiencing their first signs in their 20s. In fact, the research conducted by Dermatologic Surgery indicated that 16% of men aged 18 to 29 and 53% of men in their 40s have started experiencing moderate receding hairline. This effect has even created panic for some individuals as they fear aging more, so if it increases rapidly yearly.

Besides, there are major contributory factors that trigger one to start experiencing hairline receding at an early age. The most common ones are genetic and aging factors. Many people have found it difficult to contain the situation once it has started. However, there are many ways of preventing hairline from receding further, and when utilized well, could help regrow some hairs that have already been lost. Therefore, below are some of the ways one can use to reduce receding hairline.

 What causes a receding hairline?

Many people have been experiencing hair loss which has triggered many stakeholders to be curious to find the underlying causes. The U.S. National Library of Medicine has been at the forefront. Their statistics have indicated that androgenetic alopecia is a very common type of hair loss affecting many people, but most of those affected were men. Their analysis indicated that by the age of 50, at least half of the men would have started to experience some form of hair loss. However, there have been some common myths that this type of hair loss could only occur from one side of the family, but the most common factor could be genetic factors. Besides, some other health-related conditions could trigger receding hairline. Below are some of them.

· Traction alopecia

This is most common in women who like plaiting their hair tightly. Pulling on the hair continuously after plaiting a tight hairstyle also pulls the hair out of its roots. When the hair roots are pulled out, it implies that the hair cannot grow again because the roots make hair regrow. However, some men, like twisting or pulling their hair to manage stress, are also at risk of experiencing a receding hairline from this effect. Thus, minimizing it avoids putting the hair in a very tight bun or using products that pull it tightly. Hair should be flexible all the time.

· Stress and illness

Research has indicated that humans need some form of stress to be productive. However, this has some limits and, when exceeded, becomes extremely dangerous to one’s health. Therefore, when one experiences server stress or suffers from a certain illness associated with receding hairline for a long duration, they may start experiencing temporary hair loss. If it is a disease, one should seek medication very fast, and if they are suffering from stress and anxiety, they should seek guidance and counseling and find ways of mitigating it.

· Alopecia areata

This is an autoimmune disease. Thus it is a very complicated health condition, and some doctors have failed to understand its underlying causes. When one suffers from this condition, it implies that the body will start attacking the healthy cells responsible for hair growth. However, there are preventive measures that, when strictly followed, could help prevent escalating the process.

How to stop receding hairline?

Hair loss is something that can be prevented, and when one is keen on following the procedures, they can even regrow their hair back. However, some healthcare providers have stated that some conditions are hard to treat, like androgenetic alopecia. This is difficult to treat because hairline recedes when a derivative of some hormones like testosterone attacks the hair follicle. Besides, some preventive mechanisms can help stop receding hairlines.

1. Change your hairstyle and use preventive shampoo

There is some receding hairline that is caused by personal lifestyle. Try and investigate to know if that is the causing effect. Besides, some are due to a poor habit of hair management. Therefore, try to find an appropriate preventive shampoo that mostly contains palmetto or pyrithione zinc as their active ingredient. This ingredient has been studied, and they have found that it can promote healthy hair growth.

2. Minimize stress

Extensive stress has been linked to hair loss; thus, when one is in a continuous mode of stress, it could result in a receding hairline. Therefore, if you are experiencing stress and feeling overwhelmed all the time dedicate some time to doing something that interests you more to help get you out of it.

3. Seek for hair massage

Some studies have indicated that regular scalp massages could improve the thickness of hair and help it regrow more so in men with some pattern of baldness. Therefore, you can make it a routine to visit the massage center once in a while to maintain your hairline health.


It is very technical to treat receding hairlines more so the ones that have escalated more, but when one starts handling it at an early stage, they can easily contain it. The sooner you address the issue with your healthcare provider, the easier it becomes to stop receding hairline. Therefore, if you notice that you are experiencing extensive hair loss, it is advisable to speak to your doctor very fast. They will help you regrow your hair back and maintain a healthy hairline system that will last for years without receding.