Finding Your Purpose: 5 Ways To Help Your Mindset Grow

Do you feel like your life is missing something? Are you endlessly searching for a greater meaning in your existence but can’t seem to find it? Perhaps you feel lost and confused about what to do with your life. We all go through moments like these from time to time. Sometimes we get so caught up in the monotonous routine of everyday life that we lose sight of why we’re here. It’s crucial to regularly ask ourselves questions about who we are, what we stand for, and our purpose on earth. After all, without an answer to these big questions, our lives are incomplete.

1. Set Small Goals and Remind Yourself Why You’re Working Towards Them.

Before you can discover your life’s true purpose, you must set some smaller goals. These stepping stones will lead you to whatever greater mission you have in life. For example, if you want to become a more confident public speaker, that’s a small goal you can work towards. As you achieve each of these smaller goals, they’ll begin to add up, and you’ll feel a greater sense of achievement. As you reach these milestones, they will remind you why you’re working towards them and help you discover your true purpose. At the same time, you also need to remind yourself why you want to achieve these goals in the first place.

2. Take a Step Back and Reflect on What Makes You Feel Alive.

Whenever you’re feeling lost and confused, it’s important to reflect on what makes you feel alive. This means looking back on your childhood dreams and aspirations, as well as your core values and personality traits. It will help you realize that you’re lost because you’ve stopped living according to who you are. While taking note of your skills and interests is important, you shouldn’t rely on them too heavily. Instead, it would help if you focused on what makes you tick. This is the only way to finding your purpose in life. It’s crucial to regularly ask yourself questions about who you are, what you stand for, and what your purpose on earth is. These questions will help you identify your true calling in life.

3. Remember That Your Path Doesn’t Have To Be a Straight Line.

Many people think that finding their purpose in life, they need to know what they want to do now. They think that if they don’t have the perfect job lined up, the perfect partner by their side, and a clear path toward success, they’ll never be able to move forward. However, that’s not the case. The truth is that it’s perfectly fine to be indecisive. After all, no one knows what the future holds. We have no idea what opportunities will arise or what choices we’ll make. All we can do is make the best choices in the present moment. Remember that your path doesn’t have to be a straight line. It can take many twists and turns along the way. The only important thing is that you keep moving forward.

4. Talk to People Who Know You Well and Can Give You Advice.

Sometimes, it’s helpful to get a second opinion, even when you’re sure you know what your purpose in life is. The people who know you best can also give you advice and suggestions you may not have thought of on your own. So if you’re feeling at a loss, talk to your family and friends. Ask them to share their thoughts on your strengths and weaknesses and what they think you should be doing with your life. Just make sure that you’re open to all of their suggestions.

5. Discover Your Strengths and Use Those as a Foundation For Your Purpose.

You’ll probably notice a pattern as you go through your life and reflect on your core values and personality traits. There will be certain traits and values that seem to crop up repeatedly. You can use these as a foundation if you’re unsure what your purpose in life is. For example, those are excellent traits to build your purpose upon if you’re someone who likes to help others or enjoys being creative. You can use them as a starting point to discover your greater calling in life.


While discovering your purpose may seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on discovering your greater calling in life. Remember, as your life progresses, your purpose will change and evolve. This is normal and healthy because it means that you’re growing and progressing as a person.