10 Ways Excessive Computer Use Can Affect You

Have you been noticing that your neck and back are starting to hurt? Or maybe you’re feeling a bit more anxious than usual? If so, you might be a victim of the many negative physical and mental effects that computer users can have. This article will discuss ten ways excessive computer use can affect you.

1. The strain on your Neck and Upper Back

Staring at a computer screen has been known to cause pain in the neck and upper back for many years now. This is because the human body is not wired to sit in one static position for such an extended period. The body needs to move and walk around. Sitting in one position for hours at a time results in tight muscles, causing pain the next day.

2. Stress

Have you ever heard of RSI or repetitive strain injury? RSI is a general term for pain in the upper limbs caused by overuse. Most people who develop RSI usually work at a computer all day, such as computer programmers, artists, and authors. If you experience pain in your hands, wrists, and upper arms due to several hours of typing over time, it’s not likely to happen because the cause is prolonged use.

3. Less Social Interaction

When you spend most of your free time at a computer screen, it can leave you feeling less social. People who typically enjoy spending time with friends and family might be tempted to avoid them completely if they do not understand the need for technology outside of work. Excessive computer use can lead to anti-social behavior, especially for someone that was previously extroverted.

4. Vision

When you stare at a computer screen all day, it’s easy to forget how strenuous it can be on your eyes. If you, like most individuals, find yourself staring at your phone or a computer screen all day, there are some solutions. One of the most popular is to find the best blue light blocking glasses which can help lessen the strain on your eyes.

5. Unhealthy Food Choices

Not being as active as you need to be can lead to unhealthy food choices. It’s not uncommon for people who spend most of their time at a computer screen not to eat until very late in the evening. This can lead to overeating, which causes weight gain, resulting in other health problems such as diabetes. Eating healthy and exercising throughout the day will help you prevent these health problems.

6. Sedentary Behavior

You might be surprised to learn that a person who spends their time at a computer screen is likely to have a higher BMI or Body Mass Index. This can be unhealthy and lead to severe health conditions like stroke, high cholesterol, and heart disease. This can also be a problem for kids who spend a lot of time in front of computers.

7. Feeling Depressed

Computer use can often cause depression and anxiety. If you spend too much time in front of a computer without enough activity, it’s easy to feel down and depressed. For example, if you’re a writer, your creativity might be drained away when you’re under so much pressure at work that you want to give up. When this is the case, you can do plenty of things to regain your happy mood.

8. Insomnia

Some people who spend a lot of time at a computer tend not to sleep as well as they need to. This can lead to feelings of extreme fatigue throughout the day and the inability to deal with things as they come up. Sleep is crucial for keeping your mind healthy, so make sure you are getting enough. Eight hours is the general rule, but it could be less or more depending on your particular needs.

9. A Lack of Emotional Trauma

When you spend all day at a computer screen, your lack of activity can cause you to block out the emotional and physical trauma that occurs in your everyday life. This can negatively affect your behavior and personality. You might find yourself lacking in the ability to empathize and care as much as you once did.


Computer use can be very addictive, but it does not have to be harmful if you take steps to control it. Make sure that you are taking time every day to relax and exercise. Take breaks from your computer screen every once in a while, or you can suffer from possible negative effects such as depression, lack of sleep, and obesity.