10 People Who Totally Surprised Their Family By Coming Home For Thanksgiving

7. This creative surprise visit.

This visitor, who came all the way from Berlin, hid in a trunk and gave their mom and grandmother (and dog) a glorious surprise.

8. This twin who made her sister do a double-take.

Morgan, who had been studying abroad in Spain during Thanksgiving break, was happy to have her big brother visit her for the holiday. But she had no idea she’d see another familiar face.

9. This college student who made his mom and nephew super happy.

Brandon Loureiro told his mom that he would be staying in Florida for Thanksgiving, but he secretly bought a ticket back home for Thanksgiving. Both his mom and his little nephew could not contain their excitement.

10. This man who made his mom say “OMGeezus.”

This man and his wife were afraid of giving his mom a heart attack with their surprise visit, but what they got was the most hilarious and heartwarming reaction ever: OMGeezus!

h/t A Plus